Fairytale: Pinocchio
In one place there lived a woodcarver named Mr. Geppetto, yes, he lived alone, and hoped to have children. one day Mr. Geppetto made a Doll out of a log, carving him to pray. "I will make you and I will make my child give you the name Pinocchio , " the prayer was apparently heard by a fairy who accidentally passed by Mr. Geppetto's house. I will grant your wish, old man, speak in the hearts of the Elves.
Mr. Geppetto Working the Doll carefully with the details of each sculpture, when Mr. Geppetto was carving out the mouth, the doll suddenly spoke, and began to babble at Mr. Geppeto. Simultaneously Mr. Geppetto was shocked because the doll could talk.
Mr. Peggetto was surprised to see that a Pinocchio could speak
Mr. Geppetto: "Can you talk?"
Pinocchio: "Of course I can because you made me mouth , " said the Pinocchio, while blabbering.
While shocked and happy heart, Mr. Geppetto continued to start carving his hands up to the last job, he made a leg Pinocchio. Then Pinocchio stood at the table and danced, very happy Mr Geppetto because of his prayers and his wish to have a child fulfilled with the results of his work that a cute doll could live.
Mr. Geppetto: "Call me Father, because you are my child, and sleep Pinocchio because tomorrow you will go to school" .
Pinocchio: " Okay, dad. I'm going to sleep" .
Then they slept peacefully, 
the next day Mr. Geppeto prepares everything he needs by selling his carved dolls for school Pinocchio, and buying books.
On the trip to the Pinocchio school, a puppet show was sold, and a book was given by Mr. Geppetto to buy tickets, Pinocchio entered the stage because he felt he was the best compared to the dolls. 
Initially the owner of the stage was annoyed, and would be angry, but hearing the cheers of the audience to the Pinocchio he allowed the Pinocchio to continue his performance, after the performance of the Pinocchio was rewarded with several gold coins by the owner of the stage.
Hurry up to go Pinocchio, but in the middle of the journey Pinocchio met with a Fox and Cat, and he called Pinocchio, they invited Pinocchio to be friends with them, and invited him to play because they knew Pinocchio had several Gold Coins. Then they talked to Pinocchio 
Fox: "You have a gold coin, right Pinocchio" 
Pinocchio: "Yes, why?
Cat: "If you increase the number of Coins or not ?!, surely your father will also be happy to see it , " Seduced the Cat.
Pinocchio: "How is the way to increase the number of gold coins?" Asked Pinocchio.
Fox: "You can plant it under a magic tree, then sleep when you wake up then the gold coins will become a lot." Answer the fox ...
Then they hurried away to a place with a large tree. when Pinocchio fell asleep hurry the Fox and the cat slipped to get back the Gold Coin, and it was tied Pinocchio hung on the tree, and the Fox and Cat hurried away quickly.
Once aware and Waking terkaget Pinocchio because he was above the trees with a bound state, Pinocchio asked for help "Please-please ........" the Fox and the Cat, but they were not there, after some time to come was a beautiful fairy And ask the Fairy.
Elves: "Why are you here, Pinocchio
Pinocchio: "I was going to go to school but in the middle of the trip I saw a starving child, and I also bought a book and bought bread for the child".
Pinocchio Lied to the Elf and his nose is elongated
Makak extends Pinocchio's nose because he lied,
Pinocchio: "Fairy why is my nose stretching like this?"
Peri: "When you lie, your reflection will elongate, and if you answer honestly, your nose will slowly improve, and another if you learn to be honest, kind and generous, then you will become a real child . And now go home you ".
On the way home Pinocchio met with several boys, and he invited Pinocchio to follow them to get Candy, cake and a circus place, invite the boy. Unknowingly the boy will actually be used as a circus toy that is forcibly employed. 
Pinocchio is thrown into the sea
But pinocchio was not used by them and he threw Pinocchio into the sea, Pinocchio raised in the middle of the sea suddenly a Pope ate it, in the belly of Pinocchio darkness, but he walked down the road, before long into the mudia in the distance there was light and the Pinocchio rushed toward the light, unexpectedly it turns out that there is his father, Geppetto,
Pinocchio: "Father, why are you here, wasn't this at home this morning?" Geppetto: "I looked everywhere for you until I slipped into the sea until it was finally eaten by the Pope . "
Pinocchio: "I'm sorry father because of me, you are becoming here".
Then Mr. Geppeto and Pinocchio made a raft to get out of the whale, the plan was that when the whale sneezed out the water then it got out of the whale's stomach. and as a result they can survive and return home.
Arriving at home, Pinocchio told the story of what happened and the Pinocchio said honestly and acknowledged his mistake, without realizing Pinocchio turned into a real boy like humans .. then their lives are happy .. 
1. why mr. geppeto want the puppet to be a real boy?
2. why the puppet can become real human?
3. why pinocchio's nose can grow long?
5.change the sentences to indirect
-Fox: "You have a gold coin, right Pinocchio" 
-Cat: "If you increase the number of Coins or not ?!, surely your father will also be happy to see it , " Seduced the Cat.
-Pinocchio: "How is the way to increase the number of gold coins?" Asked Pinocchio.
-Fox: "You can plant it under a magic tree, then sleep when you wake up then the gold coins will become a lot." Answer the fox ...
-Pinocchio: "Of course I can because you made me mouth , " said the Pinocchio, while blabbering.


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