nicos weg
So now I want to review a film called Nicos Weg, it started with a tourist named Nico from Spain, who lost his bag. actually his goal to deutchland to visit his aunt named yara. Nico carried all his belongings in one bag and ended up with his bag carried away in the taxi because of a male driver who was always busy with the phone, therefore he never realized that Nico's bag was carried by him, and his bag was left on the hotel sidewalk.

Talking about Nico, he was helped by a woman who was and a little girl he met at the airport. their names are lisa and emma. They dropped off from Emma's mother at the airport, and Lisa is Emma's aunt. He is taken to the police station and meets Lisa's father who works as a cop, and they finally help Nico find his bag. but unfortunately, it was very difficult to find him because his aunt's address and passport were in the bag.

So, Lisa took Emma and Niko first to Emma's friend's birthday party, then took Nico to her flatshare. At Lisa's flatshare, Nico meets Lisa's friends, namely Nina, Nawin, and Sebastian. they had a farewell party, because one of their friends, married, was going to France. At the party, Nico also met a girl named Selma, who comes from Syria.

Sebastian found Yara's address and tomorrow Lisa and Nico will look for her house after Lisa teaches her course. it turns out that when he arrived at the address, there was no auntyara bicycle repair shop. so the address is wrong. lisa said that there was a problem, nico couldn't stay in the flatshare more than two days, so nico had to look for a flatshare.
Many people visit Lisa's flatshare to fill Nawin's room but nothing suits them. Lisa is very busy, and after that there was a call that she had to take care of her niece, Emma. Sebastian, and Nina can't help Lisa because they are busy with Lisa. There was no choice, so Lisa left Emma with Nico, and Lisa told Nico about the schedule for Emma. But it turns out to be a mess, they eat a lot of ice cream and pizza, watch TV all day long. And finally they were caught by Lisa finding ice cream wrappers in the kitchen trash.
 One day, In Das Marek, Nico helped Lisa's friend that he met on the first day in Deutschland, his name was Max. And he met a new friends again, his name was Tarek. Nico told his problem about he had to looking for a hostel, he was really confusing. Sudenly, there was an old woman offered him a room, the she gave Nico a namecard.

Emma was taken by her grandfather, it means Lisa's father. He came to the flatshare to taking Emma home and to tell them that Address was found. Finally Lisa and Nico found the Yara Bicycle Shop, but it was closed.Then Nico stayed in that old woman's house. in the kitchen, They were cooking but it was always failed, so they went to Das Marek to eat some food.

Actually Max, and Tarek was Yara's Friend so they had a key for bicycle shop. And Yara was going to Zurich, Swiss.One day, Selma found Nico's bag on the sidewalk. Then Selma said that Nico's clothes should need a jacket or something warm , so they went shopping together

Finally, talking about Nico, he was invited to play football with his friend Max on the lawn. Suddenly Nico's leg hurts and Tarex and Max take him to the hospital

by : Andi Salsabilla Wms


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